Wilson Macarreno from Honduras, who called the police to report a burglary, was himself arrested.
The incident occurred in the town of Tukwila near Seattle. According to the lawyer of the detainee – Luis Cortes, his client called the police early in the morning, after seeing a man trying to open his car. The police interrogated the suspect, but for lack of evidence, they were released. But the applicant, a 32-year-old immigrant from Honduras, was arrested.
As an attorney told the Seattle Times, Wilson Makarreno fled the violence in Honduras in 2004. In the US he works as a carpenter, diligently visits the church, he has 3 children who were born in America. According to Luis Cortes, the arrest was illegal: the police do not have the authority to detain people on behalf of immigration agents.
The police department of Tukwila told Facebook that a “bureaucratic mistake” occurred. When the applicant was checked against the bases, an arrest warrant was found from the Immigration and Customs Police (ICE), but it turned out that ICE was not going to arrest the man, but to invite him to a conversation.
Be that as it may, Macarreno is still under arrest and awaits a decision on deportation. The man said that he would either seek asylum in the US, or challenge his arrest.
Lawyer Rich Stolz from the lawyer group OneAmerican noted that this incident will have negative consequences. “There is no doubt that migrants – victims of crimes – now think twice before they report to the police, while law enforcers must protect everyone, regardless of their immigration status,” Stolz said.
Image credit: ROOKIE23